Yemen on brink of catastrophic famine orchestrated by Saudis

In addition to thousands of civilians in Yemen who have already died in a war between a Saudi-led coalition and Iran-backed Houthi rebels, less documented war tactics may also push the poorest Arab country into a catastrophic famine. Declan Walsh wrote in an interactive essay for The New York Times that the insidious warfare is waging a far greater human toll. Walsh joins Hari Sreenivasan.

Auto Liability – Do you have the right coverage?

Auto Liability PA

Auto Liability is the first part of your auto insurance. This protects you and your family if you injure someone or damage property with your vehicle.

The first part is bodily injury liability.  This is coverage if your at fault in an accident and the other party is injured.  The second part is property damage. This provides coverage for property that you might damage when your at fault in an accident. This includes other vehicles, homes, buildings, signs, telephones poles, etc. These coverages are important because they protect your assets, salary, property, business that you own, etc. if your found liable in an auto accident..

In Pennsylvania, like most states, Bodily injury and property damage can have separate(split) limits or combined limits. Currently the minimum limit is Pennsylvania is $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident of bodily injury and $5,000 of property damage. These limits are very low and do not provide much protection in the event of an accident. Have you had your car repaired recently?  $5,000 of property damage is probably not enough to pay for a lot of bumpers.

If you borrow a car, your borrowing their insurance.  But your auto insurance is backup if their limits run out.

What are your limits?  Do you have enough to protect your assets if your at fault in a bad accident?  People think it’s really expensive to got to high limits, but it’s not.  Let us show you your options and the prices for those options.

If you would like us to review you limits and provide you proposals that are customized to your needs, give us a call at 412-444-4470 or fill out the form on our website.

Are You Covered?

We make insurance simple by doing the work to find the right coverage at the best price, saving you time, money and providing peace of mind.

The post Auto Liability – Do you have the right coverage? appeared first on McGroarty & Bradburn Insurance.